Safety is the cornerstone of our business. We work in a hazardous work environment, but believe that with proper planning, strong culture, employee training, and management support all hazardous can either be eliminated or controlled.
Potential of high risk hazards that will be present at the worksite and ensure that these are addressed in our safety plan. These are such items as hazardous and toxic substances that will be encountered at the site, planning around occupants or other trades working on the site, confined spaces, fall protection, etc.
We have developed a strong Health, Safety, and Environment program which is the written values of the culture that we promote. While values are the foundation, safety culture is ultimately expressed through what is said and done through behavior.
Training is an integral part of our safety program. We have a program for written classroom type training as well as a mentorship program to ensure competency of our people. To effectively live a safety culture our employees through our training understand the tools for their use. Whether that be training in the knowledge of what an engineering control is, how to use a piece of equipment or tool, and/or formalized training of a skill BCG is committed to our employees. The development of our employees is key to our safety culture, successful completion of projects, mitigation of liability for our clients and ourselves, and the successful incident free completion of our projects.
BCG managers are invested in actively driving the safety effort of the company. We put the same priority on our safety objectives as we do on production, quality, schedule, and costs. With our experience and knowledge, we know that we do not need to sacrifice one to achieve another. We do this by asking our managers to “Own Safety”; by this we mean that safety must be demonstrated and not delegated. We enforce that they not only recognize the production at the worksites, but also how that production is achieved. In addition, we ask our manager to “Get Your Employees Involved”. Safety is not a one person or one group effort.